Record Ride

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This page allows you to record a ride using your device's accelerometer.

This is intended for Android users who can't use the Ride Forces App. For iOS users, the free Ride Forces App is available on the App Store, and will give you a much better experience than this webpage.

To start recording, press the "Start recording" button. You may be prompted to allow access to your device's accelerometer. After this, data will be collected. Please ensure that your device stays on this page during the ride, and doesn't turn off. Please try to keep your device in the same orientation throughout the ride to allow for proper calibration afterward.

After the ride is finished, press the "Stop recording" button. You will then be prompted to specify the start, end, gravity, and incline points of the ride. After specifying these points, you can download the ride data in the .forces format, and then upload it to RFDB.
