Ride Forces DB
Ride Forces Database is a website for coaster enthusiasts to share and browse Ride Forces recordings. This site is completely unaffiliated with the Ride Forces app.
See the Ride Forces Website's Guides for help obtaining properly calibrated recordings.
Please contact contact@rideforcesdb.com with any questions, concerns, or suggestions with this site.
There are currently 966 Ride Forces recordings of 327 unique rides at 65 unique parks on RFDB.
2024-11-16: Show the recordings that the launches are based on
2024-10-16: Added window to select recording based on date
2024-10-04: Show peak force statistics
2024-10-02: Support for backwards lifts/launches
2024-09-26: Download files as .zforces
2024-09-24: Added support for uploading .zforces files
2024-09-16: Added ability to edit calibration vectors
2024-09-14: Added ability to record forces from site
2024-09-01: Added support for downloading recordings
2024-08-28: Added launch comparison feature
2024-08-28: Browsing and submitting recordings finished
2024-08-23: Initial release
There is good evidence that Phone and Watch accelerometers are generally accurate and reliable. However, the exact forces displayed on the graphs on this site should not be taken as the exact truth. This site performs smoothing of the accelerometer data to produce nicer graphs, which may degrade accuracy. Additionally, improper calibration of recordings, or a phone shifting or rotating in a pocket can result in flawed data.
If a recording shows a spike of 5g on a valley, that number should not be taken as the absolute truth. However, if multiple recordings consistently show that one hill on a ride is stronger than another, that can be safely assumed to be accurate. If multiple recordings show that one coaster's launch is significantly stronger than another, that can be trusted as factual too.
RFDB uses cookies to store your login information. Your username and email address are stored in the database, but your password is hashed and salted. Your email address will never be shared with any third party.
Your recordings will be stored in the database in their entirety. This includes the name and location in your recording, the date the recording was taken, the type of device the recording was taken on, and any attributes you added in the Ride Forces app. These recordings will be available to download, in their entirety, by other RFDB users.