Launch Comparison

This page allows you to compare the acceleration profiles of different roller coasters' launches. You may select the desired coasters from the list below, or choose "Select Random" to randomly select four coasters.

The data for this page is taken from the .forces files uploaded to this site. For coasters where multiple recordings are available, the average g-force among all of the recordings is used.

If you have a recording of a launch you would like added to this page, please upload your .forces file to this site. Site administrators are notified of all new uploads and we will add any recordings with a launch to this site as soon as possible. If we don't, please contact us at the link on the about page.

Peak Force



# Rec


*Dodonpa Synthetic is simply a restretching of Maxx Force's data to align with Dodonpa's acceleration statistics. A recording of Dodonpa's actual launch would be much appreciated.